Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Expats in the EU: This isn't America!

This topic is something that I have had on my mind since I was in France and is something I've been writing about since then. I am clearly an avid watcher of HGTV's House Hunter's International because who doesn't want to dream about locations they'll never live in with money they'll never have?

However, the show seriously pisses me off sometimes. I'm so sick of hearing about American's going to move to other countries and bitch about how everything is different and nothing is like America and blah blah blah. OH MY if you don't want to live without the conveniences that America provides you with, don't move to a third world country dumb dumb! How annoying right?

Same goes for some comments I hear from hockey S.O.'s; of course nothing in France/Germany/Italy/Switzerland etc. etc. is like it is at home because they don't speak English and they don't have the same conversions! Some people are so frustrating.

I, on the other hand, look forward to the so-called inconveniences of other countries. Part of the fun and half the battle of getting acclimated into a different culture is figuring out how to run your life as "normally" as possible while making the small tweaks that you need to because YOU'RE IN A DIFFERENT COUNTRY.

I think it is so important to embrace the here and now and enjoy every ride that life has to give. Whether it is being uncomfortable in a new country/city or a new job/career; everything happens for a reason so you might as well be grateful for where you are and circumstances for when you're there. Just as the old and overused saying goes, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" you just have to go with the flow and do what you can with what you have. Simple as that. And if all else fails, laugh, smile, and look forward to the next chapter. 

Doesn't it seem fun to figure out the ins and outs of a different culture? To wholly immerse yourself in their way of life in order to accurately acclimate yourself into their lifestyle? It sounds amazing! And if it doesn't, well that's fine too but you're probably not a hockey girlfriend then which would make your life easier.

I don't know if it's my age or my personality but the thought of being "thrown to the wolves" into a culture that is the complete opposite (or ridiculously different) than my own sounds challenging, fun, rewarding, and exciting.

Please don't forget I never said it wouldn't be stressful! Culture-shock is always stressful and can leave you feeling "off balance" while you adjust to the norms but that's part of the fun. Don't forget to mix jet-lag into that blender either because for me, jet-lag is a bitch and will at least add on another week of "acclimating".

Okay I really didn't mean to rant but it sort of turned into a rant so my bad. But maybe you feel the same way I do and can relate. Honestly I get the same feelings watching regular House Hunters where first-timers expect everything they've ever wanted on a $30,000 budget. Some people just need to get a grip.

Okay, I'm outty. I'm going to go read my French for Dummies book or something equally amusing.


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