Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Funday

Some people celebrate Sunday's by going to church. Others choose to make the couch and TV their throne and watch football all day. I honor the day of rest by cooking and cleaning, seems contradictory. Today I made a batch of Chicken Noodle Soup and Breaded Zucchini chips while simultaneously washing my bedding for fresh sheets; really what better way to start the week than with clean sheets and a fridge full of food?
I will start by saying that everything turned out well and no one is finishing the weekend with food poisoning (which I consider a huge success) but the soup recipe was a little bland. I'm still trying to figure out how to add more flavor without increasing the sodium too much, I will gladly take ideas. The zucchini chips were a big hit (pictures below) but I thought they could have been a little better. Instead of plain breadcrumbs I used Panko Italian style breadcrumbs because that is what happened to be laying around the house, so next time I will make an effort to bread them with original breadcrumbs. Now my roommate assures me that my food is great, however, I am my own worst critic so it's hard to judge by my own thoughts.  Personally, I don't perfect a recipe until I try it about 3 times and luckily I purchased a ton of zucchini (it's a great snack if you haven't tried it) so I will be able to give it another shot this week. 

Beautiful colors of the onion, celery, and carrots going into the soup

Zucchini in the breading mixture

I'm looking for a new book to pick up, any suggestions? Please send me your suggestions via Facebook or e-mail: I am about to check out Amazon's top picks from my Kindle momentarily, hoping to find something amazing!

Have a great Monday!

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