Wednesday, October 19, 2011

(Brain) Food for Thought

Recently I have been seriously contemplating the choices I've recently made in my life. I bet you can already guess it mainly has to do with my decision to stay in the U.S. and work in the corporate world instead of going to France with Michael.

It was a good idea. Until it wasn't. So my thinking has changed to "If I'm going to be miserable and not making much money in MN (which was the entire point of staying), I might as well be happy in France". My sensible readers will think this statement is silly, but as my heart is on the edge of heartbreak, I can't help but begin to hear it's calls.

If you don't know me very well, I'm a yoga-holic. I became addicted to Bikram while Michael was playing in Boise and continued my practice in California. Ever since I've been back in the Twin Cities I have become an avid student at CorePowerYoga and boy do I love it. If you're looking for a class to try, my absolute favorite is Nielle's (Kneel-lee) 5:30pm class on Mondays at the Edina studio. I swear absolutely every time I take her class, she is speaking directly to my heart! It is a little scary but at the same time it makes me think "GO JESSICA! Go! You know exactly what to do so just go and follow your heart!" Of course, if money wasn't an issue I would already be traveling, wouldn't we all? So here I am, in the midst of finding freelance work, customer service gigs with Airbnb (, check it out!) and other miscellaneous tasks that would allow me to work from Europe while still bringing in the bacon.

And so, here I am. Don't get me wrong, I feel incredibly grateful to even have a job and a paycheck in times when the economy is barely keeping its' head above water but as a colleague of mine told me while we were discussing our careers, "as disappointing as it is to admit it, our generation does seem to feel somewhat entitled. Our entire lives our mentors told us we could do whatever made us happy and that we should search for jobs that we would LOVE." Are we not working hard because we're not passionate about our current position? Or would we be disconnected regardless of the position? I like to think the former is true but I am scared that the second holds more truth than I'd like to admit. Is it too much to ask to travel, write, and make a living all at the same time? Maybe. But I'm willing to try the unimaginable.

Okay, enough venting for one night. This post is the result of job searching and resume sending for 4 hours straight (excessive right?).

I would like to share ONE last thing. I have recently become addicted to the following website

And I strongly encourage you to check it out- this is relevant for this evenings post because Christine (the writer) quit her corporate job, sold all of her belongings, and is traveling the world with her husband and son; but don't let me tell you, check out Christine's blog posts to see for yourself. I got hooked when I saw that Christine created the 30w30d program about revising your life and creating a life that will satisfy your traveling needs (I hope I worded that in a way that Christine would respect). Regardless, check it out!

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